Practice Schedule

These times are carved in stone until I have to change them.
Please check back regularly to monitor changes.

Practice uniform will be Red practice shirt (1 provided), black/navy shorts, white socks

Practice conflicts should be emailed to respective coaches.

Weather permitting, practices will be scheduled outdoors at Pinnacle whenever possible. You will be notified as soon as such a determination can be made.

Pinnacle Sports Complex

University of Akron Fieldhouse

CSU - Krenzler Field (Winter Dome)

Multiplex Sports Complex

St Vincent / St Mary

Pinnacle - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

June 12  @CSU
Tuesday  6:00 - 7:30pm
Wednesday, Thursday off
June 19-20  @Pinnacle
Tuesday/Wednesday  6:00 - 7:30pm

Beyond next Wednesday TBD